Monday, July 31, 2006

Testing It Out

I went to church last night to test out the device while sitting in a church "pew" chair, and then went out with our Sunday School class to eat at a fast food joint. We didn't stay long there, but I wanted to give this SCS a real trial, going all the places I would go when I have pain. I have to admit, that other than the surgical pain, it felt better than without the spinal cord stimulator. I didn't fidget and squirm like I did with the pain. As long as my mind is occupied, I don't notice the tingling sensation as much. This is better than when I have pain because when I have that, nothing I can do really distracts me from the pain.

One scary thing happened last night. I have a gauze dressing that is about the size of 4" x 5". Then I have a Tegaderm transparent dressing that is about 8" x 10". Well, Russ is supposed to watch the Tegaderm to make sure it doesn't curl up or allow any air in which could contain something that would cause an infection to the spine since there is a small opening where the wire lead comes out. They showed him what to watch for, and said to tape the edges if this happens, or if the dressing has something we question, to call them. Well, last night at 9:00 p.m. (on a Sunday-who wants to call their doc then?) Russ noticed that the there was a big air bubble in the tegaderm, but the edges looked secured. He is guessing it is just from the Tegaderm not being stuck flat to the skin anymore in those places. So he thinks the air bubble is sterile air. Also, the gauze dressing has slipped down, and we can actually see the wire coming out of the spinal opening. Not sure if this is okay, since it is all covered up, or not. What to do?

So he taped one more boundary around the whole thing, hoping to block out any air getting in. I'm taking a strong antibiotic to fight any potential infections. And we decided not to call the doc so late on a weekend.

If I show any signs of infection, I'll get to Urgent Care or the doctor's office-like redness, drainage, or fever.

I know, I know-just what you guys wanted to read! This one should contain the "gross out" warning!

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