Friday, March 31, 2006

Living Out Loud Biz Report for March

Every so often I like to throw in a report of my editing/writing/speaking/singing business called Living Out Loud Communications. This keeps me accountable and allows me to have a record of my work. It is not to brag, but an organizational technique. If it is a brag, it is just to praise the Lord for what He has done in all of this.

Here's my report for March:
•Queried Spirit-Led Writer about four projects. One was rejected, and two were requested to write on speculation. I have submitted these two articles, and am awaiting word on acceptance or rejection. Tentative titles: "Top 10 Copy Editor's Nightmares" (the PUGS that bug you), and "How To Develop a Unique Interview Style."
•Submitted two articles for consideration with Blessed Lady. Melissa accepted, "Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow" and is considering "In The Waiting Rooms of Life." Payment for the first article was received in Paypal before the article even appeared on her site.
•Wrote several articles for Mike at Grassroots Music/TrueTunes. Feature article "Confessions of a Concertgoer" will go up next week. Book review for "The Potluck Club/Trouble's Brewing" went up today. Also sent in book review for "Scimitar's Edge." Received payment for 2 previous CD reviews (Scott Grimes and Story Side B). Proposed an idea for a regular column, which is being considered. Proposed another feature article, which was accepted, but we are waiting on the interview subject to be available for comments.
•Completed my monthly column for Alyice at DabblingMum, "Grammar 'N Style." Received payment for said article. "Punctuating Around Commas."
•Wrote weekly inspirational column for The Paris News and my own mailing list.
•Read books for upcoming reviews.
•Launched two FCW online critique groups and my new manuscript editorial services. Picked up 9 clients who have secured my services for the year with Crit-Intense.
•Typed contracts for my new clients and signed a contract with Blessed Lady. Worked on other paperwork for the business (desk still needs tidied!).
•Wrote an article for The Ready Writer (FCW newsletter) and sent to Alice in Tulsa.
•Studied available markets to determine new query letters for April.
•Continued mentorship relationship with Carmen (you're doing GREAT).
•Kept up with two personal blogs.

Whew! I'm ready for a new month, and new challenges. Aren't you?


Diane Viere said...

It's always amazing how much we actually do get done..even when we don't see immediate results.


Diane Viere said...

P.S. '

You're busy!
