Saturday, January 14, 2006

Time Machine Tour: First Grade

In first grade, I learned all the basics. Not just scholastics, but how to make and be a friend. Miss Davis taught me how to skip rope and how to tie my shoes during recess so I would fit in a little better with the other kids. Mom found out the other kids had snacks at recess time, so she made me graham or saltine crackers and peanut butter. The cafeteria ladies made me drink milk even though I didn't like it, so Mom let me bring chocolate milk mix to school.

Our folks were extra-protective of us (I did NOT say overprotective), and so we were required to ride a trike when most were old enough to ride bikes. We were given the most beautiful, extra large red tricycle our folks could find. Sometimes we imagined it to be a tractor, it was so big! Wade and I could only ride it around our half block (an alley divided our block into two sections). On one such ride, I remember us meeting Jimmy Pennock in front of his Grandmother Midge's house. He became the little brother we never had. One time, at the side of Midge's house, I find a disrupted bird's nest, with eggs spilled all over, exposing fully formed birds. They would never have a chance to live. At that point in my life, I became soft hearted towards animals, and also a believer in LIFE. We started a little animal cemetery between our house and the African American Methodist Church next door.

P.S. I remember another Kindergarten memory-we started attending the Methodist Church Sunday School when I was age 5. It was the beginning of a wonderful church education. We walked to church every Sunday as we heard the church bells ring, and Mom put my offering (usually a couple of nickels or maybe more), inside of one of Daddy's handkerchiefs. She would tie it in a knot and tell me to hold on tight until my Sunday School teacher could take my offering from me. I looked forward to giving to Jesus every week!

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