Monday, January 02, 2006

Hold Me Accountable To 2006 Goals

On 12/28/2005 I started typing out my goals for 2006. I prayed about what God would have me do this year. It took several days. Today, I finally published that list on my blog-but it shows up on the 12/28 date, since that was the date of origin. So, if you want to see me goals, scroll down until you get to that date.

And now--the request...

Will you hold me accountable to these goals? I will need all the support, encouragement, and motivation I can get to attain the goals set before me. And I, in turn, will be glad to be a support system for you, regarding your goals.

If we aim at nothing, we are sure to get our goal, but where will we be? Better to get out of our comfort zones and aim for those things outside of our immediate reach, to stretch us and grow us into the person God would have us to be.

Have a blessed 2006!

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