Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Deadline Approaching


I work better with deadlines. I've never missed one! When I know a project is due at such-and-such a time, I prepare and plan for it, writing out detailed to-do lists until the project is completed. If I have a writing assignment, I work at a steady pace and do my best to get the article in before the deadline. If I know company is coming over, I have a checklist to make sure each room of the house, and each dish on the menu is exactly as I wish it to be. When I work outside of the home, I have daily tasks to be completed at home to make sure it is running in tiptop shape. (Uh-oh. I hear a "but" coming.)

BUT, when I do not have a deadline, I tend to procrastinate. I have a CD review business with no deadlines. Because of that, I choose to work on the critiques "when I get around to it." And you can guess when that is — when I force myself to do it or the editor inquires about the project. That's not the only time I procrastinate. When I'm not working outside of the home, housework can also be put off, thinking I can do it tomorrow when I have more energy, more time, more...whatever. My excuses all sound like good enough reasons, but I'm sure they are not.

I've spoken to those who find out they have a terminal illness, and that is when they get real about their spiritual walk. They now have a "deadline" — pardon the pun. They make out a list of all those things they hope to do before they die. They make sure they have their SPIRITUAL house together. They want to face God with no regrets. But in actuality, just as many (if not more) meet their Maker with no advance notice or preparation. Without a deadline, they rationalize their procrastination with nothing more than empty excuses when it comes to spiritual matters.

Thinking about this has me more determined than ever to live each day as if it is my last. One of these days, it will be.

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