Monday, November 29, 2010



Gratitude List as I Look Ahead:
  1. So blessed to have friends and family who feel close even when they are far away. Thankful for technology to keep us up-to-date with each other. Never at any other time in my life have I enjoyed interacting with so many. Grateful to renew old friendships through e-mail, facebook, blogs, and more.
  2. Grateful for the legacy others have left behind even though they've gone on ahead. I get reminder flashbacks all the time. Special memories of Dad, grandparents, cousins, Mother-in-Love, and more. Today I saw a picture of an evergreen and candle centerpiece and had a flashback of the years Mom and Dad wired me this flower arrangement for a combination birthday/Christmas gift. It graced my table as I entertained various groups for the holidays. Such a special idea (Mom—thank you for making it happen!).
  3. Love the gift of "anticipation." This is going to be a great week, and I can't wait to get this party started! Bible Study through Priscilla Shirer's Jonah study, Ladies Christmas Banquet, great clients to serve with projects to dream up, and more.
  4. Grateful for the opportunity to help others. Anytime that happens, it makes me feel better inside and out. I need to be aware of even more of these opportunities and avail myself to them. Made a meal Saturday for a family, and even though I was feeling rough, it soothed the physical pain to know I was helping out a family in their time of need. It's possible it blessed me even more than it blessed them (especially since my cooking wasn't stellar!).
  5. So glad for a helpful husband. Russ brought home a few groceries this afternoon. I wasn't even expecting it—he just did it. Enough for us to have a meal, and to have a few extras. Even my favorite diet soft drink—he noticed I was all out. What a guy!

"Developing a true attitude of gratitude means inviting our heavenly Father into every aspect of our lives—including thanking Him even in situations we don't like.

"Thank You, Father, for being with me."

"Thank You, Father, that somehow You will bring Your good out of this mess."

And, yes, it's okay for us to stay that with tears running down our cheeks. He understands our hearts. And we do not pray to air."

— Sandra Aldrich

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