Sunday, November 12, 2006

my "Bag Lady"

I have to tell you a neat thing that happened at our Fall Friendship Tea. We had a purse theme, and so I wanted to decorate the stage area with handcrafted purses. I contacted about 5 different purse makers, through a google search. Only one said "yes." Guess where I found her? On eBay! So, I invited her to attend as my guest, and bring her handbags to be on display. She brought a baker's rack type shelf unit to display them on. Some of the ladies teased me for inviting a perfect stranger to the Tea. They said she could have been a serial killer or axe murderer or something.

She came early, to set up, and then had to wait over an hour for the Tea to start. I had asked a friend to come early to sit with this special guest, since I would be tending to last minute details, but she hadn't arrived yet. So, this "bag lady" asked if she could help us do anything. Normally I would have been horrified to say "yes" but I know when I go speak somewhere, I'd much rather help out than "sit pretty" at the head table all by my lonesome. So, I took Dixie up on her offer to help. She was a real sweetie, and had a ton of fun being "one of the gals."

The Tea went great (yay)! And after the Tea, Dixie and I were saying good-bye. She asked, "can I have a hug?" I told her I was a hugger, and we hugged like we were long lost friends! She said the Tea had blessed her heart sooooo much, and she was glad she came.

Now how cool is THAT?

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