Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Blessing List for Year

If I was sitting at the Thanksgiving table, and I could stop time so that the others wouldn't be mad at me for "yam"mering on and on about my blessings for the year, here would be a few of the big ones for which I'm grateful:

+ My soulmate, Russ. I can't imagine life without him.
+ Renewed relationships with my aunts-they have been amazing to me this year-nurturing!
+ An opportunity to grow closer to my Lord in the quiet times, the down times, the low times, the painful times, and yes, during the ELATED times too!
+ The gift of friendships. I am a girl most blessed.
+ A place of service in a variety of ministries at church, with a year of seeing both trials and victories, allowing us to see God's hand more clearly.
+ Getting to sing with our church choir, special music, and the praise team. Music is audio-to-cardio medicine!
+ Three successful big events in the Women's Ministry-a real adrenaline kick!
+ One year of blogging, with the potential to stay in touch better with family and friends.
+ Rediscovering old friendships, some from as far back as my childhood.
+ The bundle of energy and love called Jazzy-one year old this week.
+ The implantation of the spinal cord stimulator-already making the pain more bearable-a true answer to prayer!
+ My freelance jobs (writing and editing) taking off after networking with close friends in the writing business for 3 years.

I really have a lot for which to be thankful this Thanksgiving. Most of all, for my salvation, which started an amazing relationship with the One who made life make sense and have purpose, whose love never ceases to amaze me.

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